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Natural Products Better For You and the Environment

Are you scared of chemical-based beauty products? Do you want products that will make your skin clean and smell fresh yet no side effects? Keep reading!

It is always a good idea to keep your health in check by consuming nutritious food. However, in the time we are living in, things we consume are mostly fertilized. So having the right diet might not be enough to keep your body look young. You need to nurture your body by using chemical-free products so that your skin gets complete nourishment. Botanical Therapeutic products are bestfor your skin as they are completely chemical free and made from natural herbs and shrubs. We use the best plant extracts in our products right from hair wash to body shampoo to ensure your body feels rejuvenated with the finest quality ingredients.

We are thrilled that people are becoming self-aware and shifting towards natural or organic products. from day one makes the best natural products. We deal in Body Care, Hair Care and Skin Care products. All these product lines are made from 100% natural herbs and shrubs. These ingredients keep your skin naturally glowing and hair healthy and shiny.

Our Liquid Black Soap 8oz is a liquid form of Genuine Black Soap. It is made from a unique formula that consists of a rich foray of healing and antiseptic herbs and plant oils. It includes 95% of plants and herbs glycerine and natural vitamins. It is entirely organic and does not contain any animal fats or chemicals. Due to pollution, a lot of dirt and oil gets infiltrated into your facial skin. This soap helps to extract excess dirt and oil that creeps into facial pores.

Not just for facial skin, this also works as a whole-body cleanser and makes you feel fresh and tones your complexion. If you want to avoid developing acne or other skin marks like shave bumps, blackheads, or pigmentation spots, book this product now. This is very simple to use.

For facial use – Fill half cap of the liquid soap in your palm and work up a lather, massage gently over the whole face, avoid under eyes area. Please keep it for a minute or two to dry on its own and wash thoroughly with warm water.

For Body Use – Take a full cap liquid soap in loofah to cleanse your entire body. Keep rubbing gently throughout your body in a circular motion that will absorb all the therapeutic substances.

Ingredients: Purified Water, Herbal Infusion of Black Soap, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Shea Butter, Wheat Germ Oil, Sea Salt, Citric Acid, Panthenol, and Tocopheryl Acetate. Our ingredients help your body relax and leave its naturally soothing effect deep inside your body.

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